Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Neptune Group shows special concern towards mentally ill people

It is nothing less than a daunting revelation that a minor flaw in the brain nerves could do so much to a human. The body without a properly functioning mind loses its basic metabolism. The entire behavior changes! The senses and organs are not in your control. The motor skills get affected. It is remorseful. Perhaps the biggest blessing is to have a fit body with a sane mind. Unfortunately, there are many who have mental problems. Such people deserve our care. They too deserve to live a happy life. We must not scorn at them and turn oblivious. Helping them is our responsibility. There are various NGOs which work towards helping such mentally challenged people. One such organization is Neptune Foundation.

Neptune Group recently donated walkers at the female ward of Regional Mental Hospital Thane. The walker was presented by a team of workers of Neptune Foundation. Neptune Foundation is a trust set up by Neptune Group. The foundation works towards helping poor and needy people of the society with a special concern towards mentally ill people.
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Neptune Developers Looking Forward For Great Cause

Children are the future of  nation. They represent joy, innocence, purity and contentment. The growth and education of children are important factors for a bright future of the country. But contrary to this, it is a matter of fact that majority of the children live a life of poverty devoid of basic amenities. They are unfed, malnourished and uncared for. The innocence of their childhood is exploited by the prevailing ills like child labor. Under the miserable plight of poverty and helplessness, these children resort to do anything to earn a living. Their struggle for survival is never ending and forced by the circumstances they are willing to work at low wages under miserable working conditions. They take up low-paid jobs and can often be seen at construction sites, small-scale factories, shops and restaurants. Due to lack of education, they are not aware of how to escape such exploitation and make their future better.

Neptune Group looks forward to work for great cause of helping these vulnerable children and improving their future. The Foundation focuses on the predicament of these helpless children and has taken appropriate steps to ensure their welfare. Neptune Groupbrings forth the efforts and hardwork of the labourers in constructing the buildings and considers their role as the most important and vital part in the whole process.
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